We would like to thank our contributors, whose efforts make
this software what it is. These people have helped by writing code
and documentation, and by testing. They have created and
maintained this product, its associated libraries and
applications, our build tools and our web sites.
- Aagaard, Brad
- Ackerley, Nick
- Alexeev, Nicholas
- Allgeyer, Sebastien
- Ammon, Charles J.
- Antunes, Emanuel
- Armbruster, Daniel
- Arnarsson, Ólafur St.
- Assink, Jelle
- Bagagli, Matteo
- Bank, Markus
- Barsch, Robert
- Behr, Yannik
- Bernardi, Fabrizio
- Bernauer, Felix
- Bes de Berc, Maxime
- Beyreuther, Moritz
- Bloch, Wasja
- Boltz, Shawn
- Bonaimé, Sébastien
- Buist, Jan Willem
- Carapetis, Anthony
- Carothers, Lloyd
- Chamberlain, Calum
- Chambers, Derrick
- Chen, Zhao
- Clark, Adam
- Crawford, Wayne
- Crotwell, Philip
- Danecek, Peter
- Egdorf, Sven
- Ely, Geoffrey
- Engels, Fabien
- Ermert, Laura
- Eulenfeld, Tom
- Fabbri, Tommaso
- Falco, Nicholas
- Fee, Jeremy
- Grellier, Clément
- Grunberg, Marc
- Hagerty, Mike
- Halpaap, Felix
- Hammer, Conny
- Heimann, Sebastian
- Heiniger, Lukas
- Helffrich, George
- Hope, Gaute
- Igel, Heiner
- Inza, Adolfo
- Isken, Marius
- Kearns, Aaron
- Ketchum, David
- Khan, Lewis
- Kottke, Albert
- Koymans, Mathijs
- Kremers, Simon
- Kress, Victor
- Krieger, Lars
- Krischer, Lion
- Kula, Damian
- Käufl, Paul
- Köhler, Andreas
- Lecocq, Thomas
- Leeman, John
- Legovini, Paride
- Lesage, Philippe
- Li, Yulin
- Lindeman, Matthew C.
- Lomax, Anthony
- Lopes, Rui L.
- MacCarthy, Jonathan
- Macpherson, Kenneth
- Maggi, Alessia
- Martin, Henri
- Massin, Frederick
- Medlin, Andrew
- Megies, Tobias
- Meschede, Matthias
- Michelini, Alberto
- Miller, Nathaniel C.
- Mizuno, Naoto
- Morgenstern, Bernhard
- Moushall, Brenainn
- Murray-Bergquist, Louisa
- Muñoz Mesa, Jesús A.
- Münchmeyer, Jannes
- Nesbitt, Ian M.
- Nof, Ran Novitsky
- Panay, Simon
- Panning, Mark P.
- Parker, Tom
- Pestourie, Romain
- Pickle, Robert
- Pourpoint, Maeva
- Rapagnani, Giovanni
- Rekoske, John
- Reyes, Celso
- Ringler, Adam
- Rothenhäusler, Nicolas
- Rudge, John F.
- Russell, Stuart
- Russo, Emiliano
- Sales de Andrade, Elliott
- Satriano, Claudio
- Saul, Joachim
- Scarabello, Luca
- Schaeffer, Jonathan
- Scheingraber, Chris
- Schmidt, Peter
- Schneider, Felix M.
- Schneider, Simon
- Shimizu, Toshiya
- Sippl, Christian
- Snoke, Arthur
- Stange, Stefan
- Strutz, Dominik
- Stähler, Simon C.
- Sullivan, Benjamin
- Tazawa, Kota
- Tian, Dongdong
- Toney, Liam
- Trabant, Chad
- Trani, Luca
- Uieda, Leonardo
- Ulianych, Danylo
- Walker, Andrew
- Walther, Marcus
- Wang, Sheng
- Wang, Yinzhi
- Wassermann, Joachim
- Williams, Mark C.
- Winder, Tom
- Winkelman, Andrew
- Yamamoto, Yukio
- Zaccarelli, Riccardo
- Zad, Seyed Kasra Hosseini
- Zhu, Lijun
- van Driel, Martin
- van Wijk, Kasper
ObsPy was partially funded by the
- German Science Foundation (DFG) via grant DFG IG 16/9-1
- German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), GEOTECHNOLOGIEN grant 03G0646H.
- NERA project (Network of European Research Infrastructures for Earthquake Risk Assessment and Mitigation) under the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) grant agreement n° 262330
- Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG)
- VERCE EU-FP7 project (no. 283543)